Good Evening Daylily Friends,
Sunday was a busy, busy day. I do not usually teach Sunday School where I attend Church, but I did have the assignment for the past two Sundays. It took time to prepare to teach, but it also took time to prepare for our Club meeting that takes place in our Sund

ay School Room. We had a joint meeting with the Daylily Society of Greater Atlanta, and the purpose of our meeting was to look ahead to our yearly show that will take place on June 12 at the Galleria Mall in Atlanta, Georgia. Our Show Chairman is Ms. Patty Franklin, and I am showing a picture of Patty speaking to our Clubs. Patty wanted everyone to volunteer to serve on at least one committee for our Show. Patty also showed our new T-Shirt that everyone will wear at the show. I am pleased to say that it displays a gorgeous photograph of IRISH HALO. I must also say with delight that it is so good to have Patty as our leader for our upcoming show.
Our Guest Speaker at our meeting was Mr. Joe Watson from Milledgeville, Georgia. This past summer Diana and I, and Camilla and David, and Marlee Price,

all went together to visit Joe's garden. It was a dream to see how well Joe grows daylilies, and in particular, to see how well he grows Irisis. Joe's Irisis are a dream to see. I asked Joe if he would come and speak to our Clubs about preparing and entering arrangements at our daylily show. Joe said "Yes!" Joe graduated from Shorter College, and then received his Master's Degree from Georgia College. Joe teaches both English and Literature at Georgia Military Academy. Joe explained how to prepare an arrangement, he explained how various pots could be used to show an arrangement, he talked about "green and brown" background material, and he talked about the joy of flower arrangements. Thanks Joe for coming and speaking to our Clubs. Your presentation was outstanding!
On Monday morning I got up and drove over to meet my good friend Larry Grace. We met at the 431 Cafe in P

hoenix City, Alabama, and enjoyed breakfast together. Larry had eggs, and I had pancakes. We swapped some flowers, and talked about daylilies. You know, it doesn't matter how much you "have talked" about daylilies, there is "always more" to discuss, especially when spring is just over the horizon. One daylily that I received from Larry is ALAN LANE AGIN. Larry says that it is the best of what Linda produced. So, I'm going to use it with some of my own seedlings that have "teeth." I asked the waitress to take our picture. She did ok, but the picture is a little blurry.
Meanwhile, back at the Greenhouse, all is good. I have so much more news to share, but perhaps will get this posted over the next few days.
Thanks for your comment. While I am only proficient in English and perhaps a little Latin, I am not proficient in any oriental language. Nevertheless, I receive your comment with considerable delight because we both love and adore daylilies. The more daylilies we grow, the better the world becomes! Your friend,
Welcome to Verone and Susan,
ReplyDeleteI am so happy that you have chosen to follow the Blog. The more people who read my garden reports, the more delighted I become to write the reports. So, you are very, very welcome here!