Hello Daylily Friends,
Diana and I were very fortunate to have been invited to come and speak to the Suwannee Valley Hemerocallis Society. The Club is located in Lake City, Florida, and the Club President is our good friend Otis Houston. Diana and I think back fondly to our first AH

S National Convention which was in Jacksonville, Florida. As part of the Convention we took the bus tour to Otis' garden in Lake City. I recall that Otis was the first large garden where daylilies were grown in pots. Otis' garden was so beautiful; we just thoroughly enjoyed our visit. So, these many, many years later, to visit Otis' Club was a particular treat. Otis was kind enough to allow us to take a picture of the Club and the picture is herewith inserted. The Club was particularly kind to buy my 2010 Collection of Daylilies, and these were auctioned while we were there. Otis purchased IRISH HALO. I know that it will do well for Otis.
I also must add that it was a delightful treat to "consume" the Strawberry Shortcake Dessert that the Club had at its snack table. It was very good after our long drive from Marietta, Georgia to Lake City.
After we left the Club meeting, Diana and I drove to Valdosta, Georgia, and stayed at the Hampton Inn. This is the same Hampton Inn where we will stay for the AHS National Convention this coming May. I like this Hampton Inn, and I am so excited about the

coming National Convention. One of the gardens that will be part of the bus tour will be the garden of Tim and Linda Bell. This past fall I took several of my seedlings to Tim, and he planted them for me in the seedling bed. So, we had to stop at Tim's garden, and see how my seedlings were growing. We saw Tim, he showed us the seedlings, and I was very pleased that my seedlings were growing very well. I must also report that Tim's garden is just a paradise. I can confidently say that Tim's garden is the best back yard garden that I have ever seen anywhere on our planet. I'm showing a picture of Diana and Tim with Tim's lake in the background.
We arrived back home in Marietta at around 3:00 p.m. on Monday afternoon. I unloaded our things from the car and headed straight to my Greenhouse. Everything was fine, but I can see that my Greenhouse will not be in full bloom until the last week of April or the first week of May.
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