Sunday, August 21, 2011

Karol Emmerick's GNASHING OF TEETH

Hello Daylily Friends,

This morning I went to the Greenhouse to check on my seedlings to see how many more had sprouted.  Most are doing quite well, while others are languishing because they have not sprouted.  I'm still hoping for a very good percentage of new sprouts.  Then, I saw a bloom on Karol Emmerick's GNASHING OF TEETH.  What a wonderful daylily, that for me has been a very good parent.  I'm showing a picture so that you can see what I saw.  I didn't get as good of a picture as I wanted because the edge is more yellow than white, and my picture shows more white.  I recommend GNASHING OF TEETH to any hybridizer: it produces wonderful seedlings.



  1. Dear Bill,

    When I came to visit your place last year in June, one of the daylilies I took note of was Gnashing of Teeth. Bought it from Karol Emmerich and enjoyed two scapes of bloom this season. From reading your blog and Karol's, I can see how many nice seedlings it has produced. I am excited to see the results of my crosses in the future. Lots of pods from Gnashing.

  2. Dear Bill,
    My husband, Bill, and I came to visit you in early July. I have really enjoyed the visit and this blog. Have learned much and continue to expect more learning to go on. Thank you.

  3. Hi Chris,
    We are glad that you visited, and I'm pleased that you like the Blog. More gardening news coming soon!
