Hello Daylily Friends,

I've finally been able to get the Greenhouse completely clean, and so my friends from Atlas Manufacturing came and made some changes to improve its productivity. Team Leader, Roger Nugent, along with team members, Keith Smith and James Eason, spent most of two days replacing all of the plastic on the Greenhouse. They even worked into the evening hours because the weather was cooler than it has been, and there was no wind blowing, They just worked so well together. They also replaced the filters in the Coolant System, and this has made the Greenhouse as cool as the lobby of an air conditioned office. It is nice to be in

the Greenhouse and have the temperature at about 75 degrees during a hot August afternoon. My friend Jeff at Atlas also helped me fix a problem that I was having with one of my fans, and we replaced the sealed ball bearings on one fan. The temperature is controlled, and I'm moving toward planting seeds for next spring. Thanks Atlas for all of your help!

One of my daylilies that is on its third rebloom scape is Seedling 3-335. When I first saw this daylily in the Greenhouse I had no idea that it would ultimately be just so delightful, particularly on a hot summer morning. The blue eye is fine, the form is fine, and the height is grand at 28 inches tall, with 4-way branching. The strong green throat really helps to emphasize the colors. I have worked many hours to get to this point with 3-335. I also want to give another plaudit to my good friend, Karol Emmerich, who hybridized FAITH THAT MOVES MOUNTAINS. Karol gave this plant as a gift to use last year at the National Convention. Recently I've noticed that this daylily has a sheen that I do not recall seeing on other purple daylilies. It is big, and I like its height, which for me is 32 inches. Since I will be leaving Karol's plant in place for next years AHS National Convention, I decided to start gathering pollen to freeze, and then use next spring on my 3-335. Thanks Karol for sharing your daylily!

I have to report on our Grand daughter, Little Lily Rae. When she was here two weeks ago she ate several new items at her meals. I was so happy when she tried "Corn on the Cobb." At first she took a very small bite. Then she tried another bite. Then she ate all of the Corn on the Cobb! Diana asked me what I thought that Lily would like when she comes to visit tomorrow evening. I recommended the Corn on the Cobb. I also have to point out that my beautiful wife is a magnificent cook. For example, this past week she cooked me a Porterhouse Steak. Wow, it was good. This incredible supper included horse radish sauce, broccoli and cheese, mushrooms, and baked potatoes. There was also a generous helping of tomatoes and sweet iced tea. I would certainly recommend this supper for Lily, but I know that she couldn't eat that big steak, and there are other ideas that Diana has in mind.

Have I mentioned my cat Sammy this summer? I don't think so. Well, Sammy is doing fine. He must be at least 10 years of age, but you wouldn't know by looking at his eyes. He is an exciting cat, and he does things we don't expect. In fact, he is such a special cat that I'm thinking about naming one of my daylilies for him. My friend, Sue Culbreath, the Editor of the Georgia Daylily, suggested that I name seedling 4-537, "SAMMY'S WHISKERS." I like the idea, but first I will have to see the measurements next summer.
Right now I'm sorting my seeds, and within a few days I should have them planted in 3" peat pots in the Greenhouse. I'll give a report soon.
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