Wednesday, May 13, 2015

So Much to See and Do!

Hello Daylily Friends,

I can't tell you the extent of my jubilation when I saw the pollen from my single, small bud from YANKEE PINSTRIPES.  I just have to show a picture of the pollen.  I only had a little bit of pollen, and I took all the pollen there was to examine under the microscope.  Clearly, the pollen is of tetraploid size, and my good friend Rich Howard will welcome this good news.  However, it will still take "work" to keep the converted plant alive, and grow it to multiple, useable fans.

I have to also tell the story about my new Seedling 5-710.  I used my own Seedling 2-471 as the pod parent, which I've previously showed in my Entry on this Blog back on August 18, 2013.  I may add that I particularly like Seedling 2-471 because it is dormant, and because it has the beginnings of "chartreuse teeth."  I crossed 2-471 using pollen from Story's SHATTERED.  I'm pleased to see that Seedling 5-710 kept much of the SHATTERED appearance, and picked up some of the tooth edge from 2-471.  This is exciting because of the future that it offers.  My new 5-710 can now be crossed with so many other daylilies, including my Seedling 4-564, which I produced last year using TET. PINK STRIPES.  Seedling 4-564 was shown on this Blog back on June 12, 2014.

 What about this morning's bloom on Seedling 5-710?  I'm really happy with the broken pattern on this little beauty.  Did I mention that it is pod fertile?  Another factor is that all three sepals are always displayed boldly and distinctly.  It is just so good to have a broken pattern that has big time potential.

I've also had a nice bloom on a red, Unusual Form.  The new plant is Seedling 5-711, and is a cross between my best bloom so far from using a Tet. Rose Seedling, and my Spider Seedling 3-433, which I will introduce soon.  In the new seedling I like the red color, the Tet. Rose green throat, and the intricate twists of the sepals.  I've got plans for this beauty using pollen from a conversion that I will have later this summer.  When I first started working with daylilies I just didn't pay any attention to Spiders or Unusual Forms, but this has all changed.

Another Seedling that I am pleased about was selected last year, and is Seedling 4-559.  I must have seen the bloom outside, but I didn't make any notes about height, size or branching.  Nevertheless, it is quite nice.  I like the round form and the elusive blue eye.  I have decided that 4-559 is a Seedling that must be used.

I am pleased with my introduction this year named HOTLANTA.  Nevertheless, I often try to improve plants that I particularly like.  So, I took TET. WAXEN SPLENDOR, crossed this with HOTLANTA, and then crossed the Seedling back to HOTLANTA.  This is how I was able to produce Seedling  5-718.  I like the rich red eye and edge, and I think that I'm on my way to having new seedlings with red eyes and edges.  A deep red color just so much enhances a daylily, particularly when there is a green throat.

Little Lily Rae has been helping her Grandmother, Diana.  This past week end Diana went to plant two more "Hostas" out front near the road.  Little Lily put "hand fulls" of Diana's compost into the soil, and then when the Hostas were planted, Lily helped her Grandmother give the new plants some water.  Everything has to be ready for the AHS National Convention coming in early June.  When Lily comes to visit this week end, I know she will want to help Grandmother "water" these new Hostas.  Lily Rae is just perfect!

Speaking of getting ready for the Convention, I have to "Spray the Garden" using chemicals.  I've charged the battery on my 50 gallon Tank, I'm mixing the proper amount of the chemicals, and the Tank is now attached to my Tractor.  So the work has to be done.  I just don't like spraying the outside garden, but our AHS Members who will be here will want to see daylilies growing as well as they can be grown.  So, I will soon write more, but for now I'm off to spray.

More news soon.



  1. Hi Bill, I'm so glad you are making progress with converted plants. Its always good to expand the gene pool from Diploids. I am pleased to officially anounce the AHS board has unanimously approved our application to host the 2018 National convention in Myrtle Beach SC. We are all excited and I have begun work on improving every part of my garden in preparation for the event. Heidi has nominated me to be the guest plant chair so I'm looking forward to working on that project. I also want to report that Blazing Cannons has scapes and won't be long in blooming again. It has the best plant habit of any Red I have grown to date. It's not a Dormant but the foliage is really dark green just like the Dormants. I really hope it somehow makes it to all areas of the country to be enjoyed. I believe it's good enough to win many awards down the road. Take care and God bless.


  2. Hi Marlon,

    I am so, so thrilled to know that the National Convention is coming to Myrtle Beach in 2018. I'm so excited even though it is 3 years hence. S. Carolina is such a wonderful State to visit, and I am really looking forward to seeing your garden.

    I hope that I can send some "guest plants" for placement!

    I am truly appreciative of your wonderful words about "BLAZING CANNONS." It is a big thing to report that it has the best plant habit of any red that you've ever grown. I am growing quite a clump of it for display at the National here in Atlanta. It should put on quite a show.

    It is good to have your comments. Most appreciative!


  3. Absolutely you can send as many as you like. We want to represent as many Hybridizers as we can regardless of how big or how small of a Hybridizer they are. I know me personally I have plenty of room to expand and we are working on that already by adding Daylilies to areas that currently do not have any. We will certainly take plants each year leading up to 2018 but would like to get some this year so they can be large established clumps for display. I'll be contacting everyone at some point and time about guest plants so be looking to hear something shortly.


  4. Since you were using Shattered, do you own the plant and if so, would you have any of it you could sell?
