Hello Daylily Friends,
My good friend Camilla Arthur came over to pick some of the ripe muscadines. T

he foilage on the plants is so thick that it is easier to go underneath the plants and pick the muscadines from underneath the foilage. So, this is what Camilla did. She went underneath the foilage and picked a large sack of fruits. Camilla said that she was going to make jelly. Well, David and I were planting seedlings an

d didn't realize that Camilla was underneath the muscadine vines until we heard her voice. David moved the foilage so that we could see Camilla, and when she came back out we could see that she had picked a lot of fruit. Maybe Diana and I will be able to try Camilla's jelly. I also like the muscadines because when I am working in the Greenhouse and I am thirsty, instead of drinking water, I just eat about a dozen muscadines. They taste better than water, they are sweet, and just such a delight in September.
I am also pleased to report that David and I planted another long row, and then, just as we were finishing, it started to r

ain. I had to move fast to apply the proper amount of "Snapshot" to control potential weeds. It is important to get these seedlings planted as soon as it can be accomplished. But, as important as this work is, I will have to wait a few days because my "tiller" broke, and is now being repaired. I will have to wait until next week to use it again - after it is repaired. I am showing a picture of the row that David and I planted with the rain
c-o-m-i-n-g d-o-w-n. As I write this entry this evening, it has rained more and more, and many of the seedlings are just saturated with too much moisture. I may have to make repairs and apply more Snapshot.
Diana put Sammy outside this morning, and all was well until it started to rain. We got the seedlings planted and came into the house, and there was Sammy

in Diana's kitchen window. As I may have said, Sammy is not an in-and-out the door kind of cat. Instead, Sammy often insists on using the Kitchen window as his point of entry into the house. Sammy wanted in because it was just too wet for him. Of course, we opened the window for Sammy and in he came. Later in the day he went back outside, but it started to rain again and Sammy had to sit on the porch. As I said, Sammy does not like the rain.
On Friday morning, September 18, 2009, Diana and I will drive to visit the Arkansas State Daylily Society. The Club meets in Conway, Arkansas. It should be a wonderful adventure to go and meet new daylily friends. I am going to add materials to my new daylily show demonstrating the use of my planting mix, the fertilizer that I use, and fun gardening tips. I will probably also talk about the upcoming national convention in Valdosta, Georgia. While we are in Arkansas we may also visit the Clinton Presidential Library. Looking forward to the trip!
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