I regret that it has been about a week since I have posted, but in my own defense, I have been busy. I've been planting seedlings and I still have a distance to go before I've completed the work. I will begin again tomorrow morning and keep at it until the work is complete.
We also have been busy because our Cobb County Daylily Society had our annual picnic here on Saturday evenin
g. Even though rain of up to 3 inches was predicted, we went ahead with our picnic. Well, the weather reporters were correct: it did rain! Notwithstanding the rain, we had over 40 of our members who attended. My good friend Jack Rigsby handled the "Chicken," and we had plenty. Everyone brought a casserole dish and there was more wonderful, delicious food than we could eat. My good friends David and Camilla Arthur handled our auction, and it went very well. Indeed, we had plant sales of over $2,285.00. We even received $165.00 for membership renewals.

On Sunday morning Diana and I then travelled to Tallahassee, Florida, to meet with the Florida Hemerocalli
s Society. On the way to Tallahassee my good friend Larry Grace called me on my cell phone. It was Larry who suggested to the Tallahassee Society that they invite me to come and speak. So, thanks to Larry for making this suggestion. Larry said that there was a "couple" that wanted to go to dinner with us after our meeting. I didn't ask about the identity of the couple, I just assumed that they would say something to us at the meeting. Well, the couple turned out to be our friends, Larry and Cindy. It was a tremendous surprise to see them, and to have their company when I presented my new show to the Society. It is always good to have Larry and Cindy nearby.

When we arrived in Tallahassee we went to the Cracker Barrel Restaurant. There we met Randy Fleming the Society President, his wife Cindy, the Secretary, Joe Agosta, the Vice President, and his wife Sharon, the Treasurer. We had a wonderful lunch together, then went to the meeting.
I took my entire collection of 2010 Spring introductions with me for auction to the Society. I showed the first of my introductions, IRISH HALO, and a question was asked about whether the picture accurately dep
icted the plant. Then, Rose Mary Dixon spoke and said that she had been a Judge at our Daylily Show, that she had seen IRISH HALO at the show, and that it looked just like it was shown on my picture. Jackie Nicholson, another Judge at our Daylily Show, affirmed Rose Mary's report. Then, my new friend Opal, and I can't remember Opal's last name, and Opal's friend as well, who were Judges at another show, announced that they came to "visit" our Daylily Show. They reported that they also saw IRISH HALO, and they likewise affirmed that the picture was accurate. So, to my complete surprise, I did not have to answer the question about whether my picture was accurate. Instead, four (4) members of the Tallahassee Hemerocallis Society affirmed the authenticity of my picture. So, when the meeting of the Society was concluded, I took a picture of everyone, and it is herewith being shown.

After my presentation was finished, Randy and Joe then sold the daylilies
that had been brought to the meeting. There was spirited bidding competition among several members, particularly, Cindy Fleming and Mark. Sometimes Cindy prevailed, and sometimes Mark prevailed. Then, at other times, other members of the Society bid and revailed. The last plant that I brought that was auctioned was IRISH HALO. In view of the testimony of the Society's four members, IRISH HALO prompted the most intense bidding encounter. It was just fun to watch. I immensely enjoyed the Society's meeting.

Diana and I want to thank the Tallahassee Hemerocallis Society for their invitation to us, for their hospitality, and for being our new friends.
Larry and Cindy took us, along with our new friends, Mark and John, to Carrabba's Italian Restaurant. We all enjoyed talking for almost three hours, and mostly we talked about daylilies. Then, we sadly had to say goodbye to each other. Diana and I traveled to Thomasville, Georgia, where we spent the night at The Hampton Inn. I like The Hampton Inn because it is always so clean, because I like the breakfast, and because the cost is reasonable. Indeed, Diana and I have already made reservations to stay at The Hampton Inn at the AHS National Convention in Valdosta this coming May.
On the way home
we went by Tim Bell's Daylily Garden just to say hello to Tim. We knew that although he was "off" on Monday, that he would still be working in his garden. Indeed, we were correct. We were in the garden only a few moments when we saw Tim. We also saw Tim's new litter of kittens. Diana and I particularly like the black one with the white nose and white paws because he reminded us of Sammy when he was a kitten. Tim was digging and packing and shipping plants to fill orders that he had received. Diana took a picture of myself, and Tim and the little black kitten.

We finally arrived home around 2:30 p.m. and we were glad to see Sammy, our cat. He was also glad to see us. The next time we take a trip we're going to have to take Sammy. He doesn't like being left home by himself.
That is what happened this past week-end to the gardeners at Kennesaw Mountain Daylily Gardens.
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