Wednesday, July 15, 2015

"Blooming Safara," Region 2, Summer Meeting

Hello Daylily Friends,

This past weekend Diana and I drove to Indianapolis, Indiana, to serve as "Bus Captains" for the Region 2 Summer Meeting.  Region 2 consists of five states:  Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Illinois, and Wisconsin.  Our Journey began at 6:30 a.m. early Friday morning.  At around 9:00 a.m. we stopped for breakfast at the Waffle House.  All was going well until we reached I-65 in Indiana, where suddenly, the traffic came to an abrupt halt.  We struggled for over 3 hours, and although our driving time should have been 8 hours, it turned out to be over 11 hours.  However, when we arrived at the Hotel we saw our daylily friends, and the journey was worth the effort.  We sat down with our friends at dinner, talked about daylilies, and participated in the "Lily Auction."

On Saturday morning we were up early, took a shower, and went to a wonderful breakfast.  We sat with friends, and then galloped to the bus to see everyone as they arrived.  We were all excited, and I was eager to share the daylilies that I brought with us to give to friends on the bus.  The first garden that we visited was "The Bill Stephens Garden" owned by Bill and Marilyn Stephens.  Marilyn greeted us when we arrived, and she provided transportation to the garden in her "snappy, beautiful" gold and black golf cart.  I liked seeing the daylilies, and I particularly liked several of the bird houses.  These were so well built, and then I saw Diana with Francis and Mandy carefully examining and admiring the daylily "BIG BIRD."  All too soon we were back on the bus and our journey continued.

We arrived at "The Sugar Creek Daylily Gardens," and it was expansive.  I was soon able to meet Greg and Jayne Lough, and I learned so much.  Greg's parents are apparently in their 80s, and Greg's Dad still works on the farm.  They own 7,000 plus acres, and primarily grow corn and soy beans.  They have two daughters and one son who is a senior at Purdue University.  Indeed, the son is studying Agricultural Science.  Then, Jayne told me that she had my daylily, LYDIA'S REGAL ROBE, blooming in a pot.  So, naturally, I asked to see it, and it was beautiful.  So, I had my picture taken with Greg and Jayne with the beautiful bloom showing in front of us.  Then, before we left, our whole bus gathered for a group picture with LYDIA'S REGAL ROBE in the foreground. 

I should mention that Diana stood along side a Lough cornfield, and I took a picture just to get a sense of the height of the corn.  They have had a great deal of rain in Indiana, and the corn is growing well.  Some adjacent areas near the Lough cornfield have been flooded, but I saw no evidence of this on the Lough property.  Everything looked good!

We then had a wonderful lunch.  Although I often think of a sandwich or something similar for lunch, our lunch was exceptional.  I had pork, green beans and mashed potatoes.  As Grandpa used to say on the ancient, He Haw program, "Mmmm Mmmm Good"!

After lunch we went to visit our friend, Eric Simpson, that we met in Canada on a trip there two years ago.  Eric had a garden bed that included many flowers from Bob Faulkner, and there was a gentle recording that could be heard throughout the garden that shared the sound of wild African animals in keeping with the theme, "Blooming Safari."  Even our friend Jamie Gossard barely escaped the open jaws of an alligator.  I also had a good look at Sandy Holmes' daylily named, I LAVA YOU.  Wow.  Such height and branching!  I hope to have this daylily.

We were soon back at the Hotel, and we went to the "Boutique" to look around.  I saw our friend J. R. Blanton from Ohio, and he was selling this yard sculpture which is designed to really "zap" a deer.  I haven't set it up yet, but I'll report on the results.  We later had a wonderful supper, received good news from our new President, Nickki Schmith, and then listened to Margo Reed give insight into her lifetime of success as a Hybridizer living on the mountains of Virginia.

On Sunday morning we were again up early, and soon we were at the garden of John and Marie Everitt.  As we entered the garden we walked through trimmed hedges that caused me to think we were entering a "formal garden."  The paths were filled with gravel, and everything looked perfectly in place.  I walked toward the middle of the garden, and I noticed so many companion plants, when I then noticed John's "tool shed."  Instead of door handles, John used "old shovels" as handles on his shed.  What a wonderful idea.  I've got to have a better imagination about how to use worn out garden tools in our garden.  In the back of the garden vegetables were growing, and there was just so much to see, even John's work with mulch.

Next we arrived at "Tomorrow's Garden" owned by Gene and Jaclyn Schroeder.  I had several good conversations with friends on our bus as we walked together through the garden, and then I learned something new.  There is a lily called a "Blackberry Lily," which is tall and often grows in our daylily gardens.  In fact, we have one in our garden, but I didn't know that it is called a Blackberry Lily.  It has this name because the buds turn black like a Blackberry.  Diana and Jaclyn explained all this to me during our visit.

The last garden that we visited was at the home of Dr. Wally Zollman.  Dr.  Zollman is a Physician who specializes in plastic surgery.  He and his wife, Brenda, are big game hunters.  I even saw a "preserved Hyena" that the Zollman's had shot as we strolled through their daylily gardens.  I also must tell about my daylily, LYDIA'S REGAL ROBE.  As I mentioned earlier, I saw my daylily at the Lough residence.  Well, the friends in Region 2 wanted me to see it blooming for a second time on Sunday.  So it was in Dr. Zollman's vehicle being transported from the Lough farm to Dr. Zollman's home.  Unfortunately and sadly, the bucket turned over, and dirt was spilled all over the vehicle.  I regret the dirt problem, but I am so pleased that they went to such an effort for me to see LYDIA for a second time. 

As I walked into Dr. Zollman's garden I soon saw a red double seedling.  There aren't very many red doubles that are quality plants.  Dr. Zollman's double was about 37 inches tall with 6 way branching.  The flower looked to be 5.5 to perhaps 6 inches in diameter.  The time of day that we arrived at the garden was around 10:45 a.m., and the evening before we arrived it had rained about 1.5 inches.  So, conditions for the double were not the best, but as you can see from the picture, the double looked good.  I've also got to mention Dr. Zollman's bee hives.  He sells "honey," and I made a purchase.  He also grows a variety of Orchids, but he must have a place to store these during the winter.  So, had a wonderful time talking with Dr. Zollman, and being in his garden.

Soon we were back at the Hotel and we decided to take a different route back to Georgia.  We decided to drive over to Cincinnati, and then take I-75 basically to our front door.  Again, the driving was good and I wasn't tired, and neither was Diana.  However, when we were in Tennessee everything went bad again.  There was a serious wreck and all lanes were closed for many hours.  Our trip home again took over 11 hours, and when we entered Georgia it rained very heavy with lots of wind.  For quite a distance I could drive only between 25 and 35 mph on the Interstate.  Meanwhile the heavy trucks went by at very fast speeds.  I'm glad that driving experience is all over.

We thoroughly enjoyed the trip to Indiana to see so many daylily friends, from so many States.  Tomorrow its back to full time work in the garden.  We've got to continue getting the garden ready for 2016.

Thanks to my friend Mike Holmes, and to our friends in Region 2 for inviting us to visit!  And thanks to Mike and Region 2 for making such an effort to have LYDIA'S REGAL ROBE available and blooming in the gardens.


Henry requested to see a bright orange introduction from TET. HANDSOME ROSS CARTER.  So, I've decided to introduce Seedling 3-442, which I intend to call BURNT HICKORY.  The name was suggested by my friend Claude Carpenter.  The name is of a road very close by that is named BURNT HICKORY.  The measurements are as follows;  32" tall, 5-way branching, 25 buds, and a 6 1/4" flower.  It is semi-evergreen, and grows well even with a hard winter.  The only draw back is that it is not pod fertile.  Here are some pictures.

While BURNT HICKORY is not pod fertile, it is very "pollen fertile."  For example, I took pollen from BURNT HICKORY, and put it on FULLY BLESSED, and got a wonderful, burnt orange seedling,  The new seedling is 5-804, and I'm showing a picture.  It is 30" tall, 3 and 4 way branching, 18 buds, and a 6" Flower.  It is fully dormant.  I do not know if it is pod fertile.

The pictures of BURNT HICKORY and Seedling 5-804 were all taken outside with the measurements shown with the comments.

Also, since BURNT HICKORY is not pod fertile, I took its pollen and put it on TET. ROSE F. KENNEDY, and got the following beauty.  I do not know much about the ultimate height or size of the flower, but as I said, it is beautiful.  Perhaps one issue with BURNT HICKORY is that the bud is partly open the day before it blooms.  This allows water to sometimes enter the bud, but if marks are made this only enhances the burnt appearance.

When I was at Region 2 this past weekend looking at the gardens, I noticed that folks in Region 2 like the burnt orange look.  I saw flowers that had somewhat of a resemblance.  Also, during the national Convention back in June many people were very interested in BURNT HICKORY.  I hope that TET. HANDSOME ROSS CARTER helps improve the burnt orange appearance.

Thanks Henry for the question.



  1. It's good to see that you are updating regularly. I've missed seeing all your new things this spring. How long until we will see a bright orange introduction from Handsome Ross Carter?

  2. Good Morning Henry,

    I would have posted more pictures this Spring, but we were so busy getting ready for the National Convention. However, since you have been specific in your request for pictures, mentioning the bright orange color, I can quickly respond.

    I've added some new pictures to the Region 2 post showing some of the work with TET. HANDSOME ROSS CARTER. I'm also showing a new introduction for 2016 that will be named BURNT HICKORY.

    Thanks so much for your note and question!

