Hello Daylily Friends,
After David finished putting the new pump 300 feet deep into my Well, it was c

lear that my water was "stirred-up." This meant that the valves from the Well-pump to both my (1) Booster Pump and to my (2) Greenhouse would be processing dirty water. So, this meant that the valves needed to be replaced, and two (2) "Scrubber Valves" were installed. These

Scrubber valves are sometimes called "dirty water valves." The Scrubber Valves were installed by John Bishop and by his assistant, Miguel, who are both employed by White Oak Landscape Co., Inc. I am so pleased with the work of John and Miguel. The located parts of my system that have been buried for many years, and then they went to work on these systems as if they had bee

n the persons who had done the installation work. I am showing Miguel putting the two Scrubber Valves in place. The first picture was done before the cover was installed, and then Miguel worked so efficient

ly that he finished installing the second Scrubber Valve before I even noticed the effeciency of his work. The last picture shows John as he makes certain that all of the work has been satisfactorily accomplished. Many thanks to John and Miguel.
I now would like to show another of my Spring, 2010 introductions. It is Seedling 7-246, and it will be called
VIRGIL'S SUSPENDERS. Back when I pract
iced law I helped my friend Virgil Spence try a case for one of his clients. We were successful in handling the case. Virgil was a big man, and he frequently wore "suspenders." Virgil would also come by my office and we always enjoyed our conversations. Virgil is now deceased, and I often think of Virgil. So, this is the reason for calling this new introduction, VIRGIL'S SUSPENDERS. The cross that created this introduction is as follows: (Tet. Indian Giver x Wild and Free). I actually took pollen from Wild and Free and used it on Tet. Indian Giver. This was easier than setting the pollen on Wild and Free. VIRGIL'S SUSPENDERS is 38" tall, it has 3-way branching, and 16 to 18 buds. It is just a beauty. You can see the ivory edge on the petals and sepals from Tet. Indian Giver, and of course the color is purple from both Tet. Indian Giver and Wild and Free. I like the way the petals and sepals curve. This is just a gorgeous "unusual form."My beautiful wife Diana always plants "zinnias" in our yard and they are always so beautiful when they bloom. I noticed yesterday morning t
hat these zinnias were stunning in their beauty. She normally plants the seeds in a tray and then within a short time after the seeds sprout she plants them in the garden. I like the beautiful color of the zinnias, but alas, as with daylilies, there is no true-blue color. Diana also had one zinnia to come up that is a lovely white. What a treat it is to see such beauty most all of the summer.
Well that is all of the daylily news from this garden for today.
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